August 2023

Do you ever wish the world would slow down?  I do. As I get older, I find myself yearning for the simplicity and steady pace of one day at a time. I nostalgically think of yesteryear - those days gone by before we had the “conveniences” of today’s world. . . 

Smartphones, the internet, 24-hour news cycles, artificial intelligence, globalization…

With all this stuff designed to make our lives easier, I find myself multi-tasking and zipping through day after day without hardly being present in the moment. When I do look up from my phone or computer, it feels as though the world is changing at neck-breaking speed.  

Sloooooooow down!

I recently spent time with a few friends working on a sewing project. I was tasked with unraveling and re-spooling a good amount of tangled embroidery thread. Sound exciting?  Not a bit.  Yet, as I worked with the thread, I had an incredible sense of peace. I was 100 percent IN THE MOMENT.  There I was, in the company of others, doing something with my hands and fully present.

Together we created beauty. 

It was nothing special, but rather, it was extraordinary.

I realized for the first time in forever that none of my technology, busyness, or multitasking can adequately replace the feeling of sitting with dear friends, taking a walk, cooking a meal, or just quietly embracing the moment.

It seems to me, in our quest for the easy life we have made our existence stressed and lonely.

--We’ve replaced the cathartic act of handwriting a note with texting.  

--We socialize on Zoom or Facetime bypassing face-to-face time with those we love. 

--We click items into virtual shopping carts in place of carefully choosing the best groceries, clothes, and gifts.

Don’t get me wrong, technology is amazing and is tackling the most pressing issues of our day.  Yet, I have to wonder, as our day-to-day interactions are being replaced with counterfeits, if we are losing our humaneness.  

We’ve got screens in front of us instead of real people.   

In November of 2008, Tom did a lesson at East Valley Bible Church entitled “Our Ministry of Reconciliation” as part of his Grace for Life, Grace for Living series. In this lesson, Tom powerfully addresses snares in our faith walk and points us directly to Jesus. Tom reminds us that we “study the Word of God to get to know the God of the Word.” 

In our frenzied, technologically advanced world, we grasp success, fulfillment, and convenience, without realizing the ONE thing we need.


Let’s get back to making the main thing, the main thing.

Jesus is all we need. 

In the month ahead, I am going to take a step back and re-evaluate how I am spending time and what I am relying on for purpose and contentment.

Want to join me? 

  • Consider spending dedicated time with Jesus and a smidge less time with technology.  

  • Do some cooking, gardening, or woodworking, i.e., something that gives you stillness away from modern conveniences. 

  • Schedule time with family or friends and leave your phone tucked away. 

  • Open your bible, feel the pages of His word, and spend time getting to know Him. 

It might just remind you who’s in control. 

As His children, we don’t have to fear, worry or have it all figured out.   

Jesus is all we need.

Sharon Coleman