February 2023

I don’t know if this is the same for you, but it sure seems like there are a bunch of looming headlines in our 24/7/365 news cycle about faith, church, and spirituality. A case in point was a Fox News headline dated January 9, 2023, “Third of Americans have quit church as attendance fails to recover pre-pandemic numbers.” Articles about declining church attendance, the rise of those who have no religious affiliation, pastor burnouts, and the closing of churches throughout the United States fill my inbox.

Is it just me or are things changing? Is it that our churches haven’t come out of the pandemic bubble, or it is that we, individually and collectively, are losing our faith?

In 2010, Tom did a sermon series on the seven churches in Revelation reminding us the exhortations in Revelation chapters 2 and 3 are just as poignant for us individually as they are corporately for our churches. I hope you’ll take the time to watch the whole series at  https://www.prioritylivingaz.org/video-archives, but if you only choose one, I recommend the church of Sardis. 

Nearly 13 years have passed since Tom taught this series. I admit as I listened to Tom I was struck by the many societal shifts and disruptions since 2010. In this lesson to the church of Sardis, Tom likens the teeny tiny axis shift resulting from the Chilean Earthquake in October 2010 to our willingness to compromise. The earth’s axis alteration shortened each day by 1.26 millionths of a second - hardly noticeable – right?  Well, in the eternity of time, more shifts, more earthquakes, and more lost millionths of seconds will add up, just as does our complacency, sins, and compromise. We can be strumming along in our lives, making small little “insignificant” concessions, and BOOM!  We find ourselves totally off course. 

So, let’s check in and see how we’re doing.

Are you desensitized by the world and no longer strive for God’s standards?

Do you call yourself a Christian by simply identifying with Jesus, or do you truly follow Him?

Is your inertia and complacency getting in the way of God’s best for this season in your life?

I’ll speak for myself – When I honestly assess my heart, my lifestyle, and my microcosm of the world, I begin to see how, over time, I have created little deities of comfort, ease, and convenience.

Ouch. Acknowledging my sin reminds me that before I point out all the things that may be wrong - true as they may be – in the larger contexts of the church, community, and the world, I need to deal with my heart first.

And then, by earnestly seeking God and asking Him how I can better reflect Jesus’ love and truth in my spheres of influence, I can be His hands and feet in this broken, messed up world.

It is time for a revival. 

God’s warning to the seven churches is a warning to all of us.   

Let’s recalibrate, look honestly at our hearts, and get back to basics.

We are sinners.

Saved by God and God alone.

We get to glorify Him in our families, our churches, and our communities.
To Him be the glory!

Sharon Coleman