New Content on Website

Dear Friends,

As I was attending chapel services earlier this week I was struck by Paul’s letter to the Philippians.  Paul is writing to his dear friends in Philippi while being imprisoned, yet Paul is joyful and content knowing that Jesus “has his back.”  

Paul writes, “For to me, to live is Christ, to die is gain.” (Phil 1:21)

In Tom’s last few months, Tom often spoke of Jesus and how, without Jesus, we wouldn’t even have a chance.   In Tom’s last few days he wanted you -his dear friends- to know that everything was going to be okay. Tom knew that he would be with Jesus soon.

As I thought of Paul’s words in Philippians, I realized that Tom showed us all that “to live is Christ.”  We saw it in his life and in Tom’s weekly teaching. Tom demonstrated how to be a man after God’s heart. And he did it well.  

Yet, now, I see clearly that “to die is gain” because not only is Tom out of pain and with Jesus, but also because so many of you have reached out to say that you are listening to Tom’s teachings, that your weekly bible group is taking a few weeks to watch Tom’s messages, or that you are starting your own bible study using Tom’s messages. Thank you.  

God is still using Tom to bring people to Him.  

In the coming months, Sharon will continue to upload Tom’s Priority Living messages from years past. And, we will be re-designing the website to make it easier to navigate and find lessons by topic and/or name.  In addition, we will be adding video content from Tom’s Sunday teachings at Redemption. 

Please continue to check the PL website weekly for newly uploaded audio content. I hope the new website will be up and running by the ime you return from vacation. Until then, keep listening and sharing with your friends.  Love you all! 


Sharon Coleman